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Crossfit: Various Routines (Girls)

Some routines have Crossfit and although certainly these routines are easier than Heroes Crossfit routines, the girls with name does not mean easy workouts that are far from it. In fact the creator Greg Glassman CrossFit explains the reason why these routines are named after women:

    "What I do is explain the practice once and then give them a name. I thought that anything you leave lying face up on the floor, staring at the sky and making you ask 'What happened to me?' Deserved to have female names. The workouts are like storms [N T: to which are also often given woman's name], create panic in the cities. "

And do not drop the rings ... mostly because it has.

Training "Girls"
Logically, given the origin of Crossfit, the names chosen are American Girl. I encourage readers of MFHQ foreros to invent their own routines with Hispanic names. It would be nice routine Tomasa, Luisa Pepa Evarista or no? :). Here are the routines.

Training Annie
This routine requires some expertise skipping, since the "double unders" are jumping past the rope twice under your feet at every jump. If your skill is not enough for both, I recommend starting from the string only once per jump. Similarly it will be a good workout.

    5 rounds for time 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 repetitions of Double Unders and Sit Ups (abs)

Video of Annie Crossfit Training

This training will strike hard at work with body weight. To facilitate this may be a good suggestion to only half or 60-75% of the repetitions.

    100 Chin, 100 Push-ups, 100 sit ups (abs), 100 squats. By time. Do in order with breaks as required. We must do all the repetitions of an exercise before moving on.

Video of Angie Crossfit Training.

Barbara Training
Save some simiitud with the former, but the repeats are distributed with some rest. A change was made more total reps. Again, to downgrade, you can make 50% of the repetitions. Or make 2 or 3 rounds instead of 5.

    20 Pull-ups, 30 Push-ups, 40 sit ups, 50 squats. Rest three minutes and repeat 5 times.

Video of Barbara Crossfit Training.

Chelsea Training
This is curious. This is a round every minute so that the seconds are left over every minute that you have to rest. An easier alternative may be to make a round every 2 minutes and are 40 minutes in total, instead of 30.

    5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 squats. Repeat every minute for 30 minutes.

Video of Chelsea Crossfit Training (one round).

Cindy Training
It's like a Chelsea, but at your own pace. At first I did not need adjustment, as it tries to make every round you can in 20 minutes. Some will make 15, and some will only make 3 or 4 :). Ideal for beginners. You can also means "Cindy" as in the example video, 10 minutes to coat.

    5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 squats. Repeat as often as you can in 20 minutes

Training Video of CrossFit Cindy (version 1/2 10 minutes).

Diane Training
In this we contacted the bar and the dead weight. If you can not move as many kilos, lowers the weight to your level. Even if you do, keep in mind that they are a bunch of repeats. Instead of doing a handstand pushups, you can do normal pushups with your feet up (higher the better your level).

    3 Rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps of deadlift with 100kg (225 lbs) and Push doing a handstand. By time.

Example easier version "Diane Chan": 3 Rounds of 21, 15 and 9 repeats with 60kg Deadlift and Push with feet elevated.

Video of Diane de Crossfit Training.

Elizabeth Training
A nice combination of weightlifting and gymnastics with rings. The loaded (sitting as the bar goes up) is quite technical, so a version might be easier to do a power clean followed by a squat, using less weight. The funds will also be easier if they are on the high bar instead of rings.

    3 Rounds of 21, 15 and 9 repeats Loaded with 61kg (135 lbs) and Funds in rings. By time.

Example easier version "Elizabeth Chan": 3 Rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps of power clean + squat 35kg and dips.

Video of Elizabeth Crossfit Training.

Fran Training
The Thruster is covered makes the movement of squat and press, while the work dominated the movement of pull, covering all body muscles. Reduce the weight of approximately 30 kg Thruster and use inverted paddles instead of an alternative would be dominated easier.

    3 Rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps of Thrusters with 43kg (95 lbs) and Chin. By time.

Video Training Crossfit Fran.

Training Frelen
Bears some similarity to Fran, adding race to the combination. We can choose the weight for the Thruster, adjusting to our level. An easier version would be to reduce all by half (run 400 meters, make 8 Chin Thrusters and 8 round).

    Run 800 meters 15 Thrusters, 15 pull-ups. Repeated 5 times a time.

Video Frelen of Crossfit Training.

Grace Training
Pretty Olympic based entirely on the clean and jerk (Clean & Jerk), although the videos I've seen quite often gets art making rather a power clean and something like a push press. You can easily adjust to our level by lowering the weight on the bar, I happen to also be done with 1 hand with Kettlebells, although it would be another story.

    Loaded and Clean and Jerk (Clean & Jerk) with 61 kg (135 lbs). 30 reps for time.

Video Training Crossfit Grace.

Helen Training
The Kettlebell / Badajos come into play in this. I see quite affordable, but still may cut / adapt by lowering the weight of kettlebell used and less dominated by round. If we do not have kettlebell, you could do dumbbell swings.

    Run 400 m., 21 swings with 25kg, 12 pull-ups. 3 rounds for time.

Example easier version "Helen Chan": Run 400 m., 15 swings with 16kg, 9 dominated. 3 rounds for time.

Video of Helen of Crossfit training.

Elizabeth Training
Grace similar to the training, but in this case is used at a time charged (snatch) instead of the clean and clean. Adjustable choosing a lower weight.

    Charged at a time (Snatch) with 61 kg (135 lbs). 30 reps for time.

Video of Elizabeth of CrossFit Training.

Jackie Training
This is going to paddle and will insert along with the good cane dominated the ridges. The thrusters will handle the movement of push and legs. Reducing the distance / reps in half or 60% can reduce the intensity. The weight on the thrusters is equivalent to an Olympic bar without disks.

Video Jackie Crossfit Training.

    Rowing 100 meters, 50 thrusters with 20kg, 30 pull-ups. By time.

Karen Training
For this we need a medicine ball 20 lb (9kg). If you do not have one, maybe you can use a backpack or bag loaded with an equivalent weight in sand or other soft material. Do not even try a kettlebell :). To reduce difficulty can be reduced to 75-90 reps.

    150 Wall Balls 9kg medicine ball. By time.

Video Training for Crossfit Karen.

Training Kelly
Training can be considered a varied career including legs, leaps to work explosiveness and wall balls. To reduce the difficulty, reduces the number of hops and / or wall balls. You can also adjust the height of the box we jump (if less height reduces the difficulty of course), do not touch the race. You can always go at your own pace.

    Running 400 meters, 30 box jumps, 30 wall balls with ball 9kg. Perform 5 rounds for time.

Video of Kelly Crossfit Training.

Linda Training
This training will be challenging for most. The weights used in the bar are referred to our body weight. To set down the difficulty can be adjusted downward the weights that are suggested.

    10 rounds of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of: Deadlift with 150% of our body weight, bench press with 100% of our body weight, Loaded with 75% of our body weight. Make the 10 rounds for time

Example easier version "Linda Chan": 10 rounds of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of: Deadlift with 100% of our body weight in Bench Press 65% of our body weight, Loaded with 50% of our body weight. Make the 10 rounds for time.

Video Linda Crossfit Training.

Lynne Training
A simple and effective training for the torso. Adjust each level as it is based on repetition maximum that we can do. But you may not be able to do bench press your own body weight, then use a weight you can do about 8-10 reps at least.

    Bench Press with 100% of our body weight high reps, high reps Chin. Make 5 rounds with the aim of achieving maximum reps.

    Note: This training does not go by time, but high reps.

Video Training for Crossfit Lynne.

Mary Training
Based on body weight. Some will not make doing a handstand push-ups or pistols. In that case you can substitute pushups with your feet up and strides. The difference will be considerable difficulty (much easier by bending a pine and a stride much easier than a pistol), but as this training will set time is offset a little.

    5 Push doing a handstand, 10 Pistols (Single-leg squats, make 5 per leg), 15 pull-ups. All rounds that are possible in 20 minutes.

Example easier version "Mary Chan": 10 Pushups with feet elevated, 20 lunges (10 per leg), 8 dominated. All rounds that are possible in 20 minutes.

Video Mary Crossfit Training.

Nancy Training
Very focused on leg training, although the core and shoulders also work in the squat stabilizing overhead (overhead squat). Reduces the weight on the bar for squats to make it easier if needed.

    Run 400 meters 15 Squats on the head with 43kg (95 lbs). 5 rounds in the shortest possible time

Video of Nancy Crossfit Training.

Nicole Training
Because it is based on our maximum dominated and can run at our own pace, is a self-adjusting routine suitable for beginners and veterans. However, time can be cut in half to make it even easier.

    400-meter race, dominated maximum repetitions. Repeat as often as possible in 20 minutes.

Video of Nicole Crossfit Training.

Eva Training
Re-use of kettlebells, we can replace dumbbells. The weight of the kettlebell can be reduced to make it easier, and the number of round-dominated.

    Run 800 meters 30 kettlebell swings with 32kg, 30 pull-ups. 5 Rounds for time.

Example easier version "Eva Chan": Run 400 meters 20 kettlebell swings with / 16kg barbell, 15 pull-ups. 5 Rounds for time.

Video Training Crossfit Eve.

Amanda Training
This routine involves a lot of muscle ups and loaded at once (Snatches) making it quite difficult. To adapt the difficulty can be a pull and a fund for each muscle up, and reduce weight in Snatches.

    3 Rounds of 9, 7 and 5 repeats: Muscle ups and Loaded at once (snatch) and 61kg (135 lbs). By time.

Example easier version "Amanda Chan": 3 Rounds of 9, 7 and 5 reps of: Backgrounds, Chin and Loaded at once (snatch) with 25kg. By time.

Video Amanda Crossfit Training.

Workout "Nasty Girls"
The last name does not have a particular girl, but is one of the complicated again by the inclusion of muscle ups on everything. You can adjust the weight reducing and replacing cleans ups for muscle-ups and funds.

    50 squats, 7 muscle ups, 10 repetitions of loaded from hook (hang power cleans) and 61kg (135 lbs). 3 rounds for time.

Example easier version "Good Girls": 35 squats, 7 funds, 7 dominated, from 10 repetitions of loaded hook (hang power cleans) with 30kg. 3 rounds for time.

And there you have it, the training "Girls" of Crossfit with suggestions for adaptation. You can combine them into your training week alone or together with Crossfit Workouts Bodyweight, or if you feel brave Hero Workout.

Sudéis it well.

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